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Python Challenge

In Code challenge, there are three main rounds in each category with different challenges. Each participant/team should finish the challenge and submit their work in specified time.

All FIRST ® programs are built on a foundation of Core Values, celebrating discovery, impact, inclusion, innovation, teamwork and fun.


  • Please read through the main general rules before proceeding on with these rules.
  • The allowed age starting from 10 years old is divided into two main categories ( Junior (10- 14 years old) and Mid-level (15 years old and above).)
  • Teams should use pure Python and its built-in modules only if they need to use them. (eg. random, statistics, time, math, turtle, etc...)
  • Using Python libraries or frameworks are not allowed. (eg. NumPy, Pandas, Flask, etc...)
  • Challenges will be like building a simple calculator, drawing shapes, generating passwords, summary statistics calculations, checking certain conditions, and branching.

Required knowledge to participate

Good knowledge about the following concepts:

  • Python data types (eg. int, float, string, etc...)
  • Basic built-in data structures (eg. list, tuple, etc...)
  • Control statements (if, elif, else, match statements)
  • Loops (for, while loops)
  • Slicing and indexing
  • Writing comments
  • Variables
  • Basic built-in functions (len, sort, reverse, list, str, range, etc...)
  • Basic mathematical expressions and operations
  • User-defined functions (Basic knowledge)
Event Detail
  • Start Date29 Jul, 2023
  • Start Time06:30 PM
  • LocationNasr City, Makraam Ebaid